• The Arhuaco:

    Also spelled as Ahuaco, are an indigenous group located primarily in Colombia, particularly in the region of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The Arhuaco people have a rich cultural heritage which to this day they have been able to preserve from the many challenges they face. One of the most potent messages the Arhuaco Elders have brought to us in the ‘modern world’ is that we are all truly nature. In fact the Arhuaco have a great deal of knowledge of nature and believe they know how to maintain the equilibrium of the world.

  • View the below clip to hear this message from one of their leaders.

  • Beliefs and Spirituality

    Spirituality is an essential aspect of the Ahuacco culture, with a belief system that incorporates elements of animism, ancestor worship, and a deep reverence for nature. They often hold traditional ceremonies and rituals
    that reflect their beliefs in harmony with the environment.

  • Social Structure

    The social organisation of the Ahuacco includes a focus on community and familial ties. Elders are highly respected and play a significant role in decision-making processes. Another phenomenon within their culture are the ‘mamos’, leaders that have the responsibility to keep order and balance within the society and nature. The mamos are the priests, the unbiased judges, the elected politicians, and the chiefs of their society. Furthermore, the mamos preserve the knowledge of their history, culture and wisdom that gets passed on to each new generation. However the mamos do not have any special privileges for having this role. They need to be a model of how to obey the sacred laws and because of this, the mamos are very respected within the community.

  • It is determined at birth if a boy is to become a mamo and if he is chosen, he goes through an extensive training to learn all of the knowledge that has been learned throughout the centuries. The Arhuacos also believe that everything in the world is equal and there is no hierarchy of power.

    Other important lessons can be learned from the Arhuacos’ daily life and general philosophy. For instance, the Arhuacos do not grow more food than they need; instead, all of the crops in the Arhuaco territory are for all of the Arhuacos. Each family has many crops, but if an Arhuaco needs a plant that they do not have in their own crop, they simply can walk to another Arhuaco crop and take the plants they need. The Arhuacos have a lifestyle that is very communal and

    non-materialistic. It is a society where neighbours freely share all of their possessions and knowledge.

  • The Arhuacos have realised that an obsession with acquiring products or being materialistic in general does not promote happiness

    In a way, the Arhuacos are the oldest ecologists in the world because of their intimate relationship with nature. The modern world can learn a lot from the Arhuacos' persistent and respectful nature that has lasted more than twenty-five centuries. Especially important is how to live in harmony with both nature and each other.

  • Challenges

    Like many indigenous groups, the Ahuacco people face various challenges, including pressures from modernization, land disputes, and loss of traditional knowledge. Efforts are ongoing to protect their rights and preserve their cultural heritage in the face of these threats.

    Please check out the beautiful work of the Sacred Forest Foundation https://www.sacredforests.earth/, setup to help protect the pristine forests and mountains of the Arhuaco homeland and empower them in their chosen role of guardians and gatekeepers to one of nature’s last treasure troves.

    We at Enchanted are hoping to support their quest by donating £5 for every Ritual Bar sold to their cause.